On 16 March, the final conference of the European ATHENA project “Entrepreneurship as a Path to Socio-Economic Inclusion of Migrant Women” took place at the European Economic and Social Committee.
Athena News
Nuevas acciones para apoyar y potenciar el emprendimiento entre las mujeres migrantes en Europa
El 16 de marzo tuvo lugar en el Comité Económico y Social Europeo la conferencia final “Entrepreneurship as a Path to Socio-Economic Inclusion of Migrant...
ATHENA’s Final Conference in the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels
This video summarizes the conclusion of our ATHENA project at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. ATHENA is a project full of success...
Policy Recommendation Report: Creating a clear pathway towards migrant women entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship as a path to socio-economic inclusion of migrant women
Final Conference of the ATHENA Project Date and time Thu, March 16, 2023, 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM CET Location European Economic and Social Committee - Rue Van...
INCOMA presenta las novedades de su proyecto ATHENA: el Evento Internacional de Mujeres Migrantes Emprendedoras
Fuente: Fundación Anna Lindh El pasado 26 y 27 de octubre, el proyecto ATHENA, promovido por INCOMA y financiado por el Programa AMIF, acogió en Roma el...
Training on Female Migrant Entrepreneurship (FME) for Greece-based Professionals
ELIAMEP organized a “Training on Female Migrant Entrepreneurship (FME) for professionals in the fields of entrepreneurship and migrant support” on September...
Fact Sheet Athena 2022
Knowledge of needs and demands of migrant women improved! Desk analysis per country has been carried out and can be easily accessed here. The study implied...
Athena Project for migrant women entrepreneurship: 26 and 27 October international event in Rome
The integration of migrant women in the labor market and society is an important objective, it contributes to all aspects of economic and social development...
The protagonists of the Athena project
We introduce you to some of the participants of the Athena project. In this video you will discover their main difficulties when it comes to entrepreneurship,...
Capacity building of professionals supporting migrant women entrepreneurs
ORIGINAL SOURCE Posted on 22 June 2022 by Digital Leader Part of the ATHENA initiative – Approaches To valorise the High ENtrepreneuriAl potential of migrant...
Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Women of Diverse Cultural Backgrounds
ORIGINAL SOURCE Posted on 22 June 2022 by Digital Leader While entrepreneurship represents a viable alternative of decent and sustainable employment for women...
Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Greece:
Cui bono?
By Kostas Vlachopoulos Entrepreneurship is vital for economic growth, job creation and the development of new skills in a country's economic activity. If we...
La Fundación Anna Lindh sigue de cerca la evolución del proyecto Athena y su seminario con y para las mujeres migrantes
La Fundación Anna Lindh da difusión a al seminario de Athena sobre emprendimiento de mujeres migradas.
Entrepreneurship a pathway for female Ukrainian refugees
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine commenced just a month ago, yet it is already evident that fleeing Ukrainians, 90% of whom are females and children, will not be returning home to a safe Ukraine anytime soon, if at all.
L’innovazione sociale ed economica delle migranti
Da tempo è nota la presenza delle donne all’interno dei processi migratori, non solo in Europa, bensì su scala planetaria, la cosiddetta femminilizzazione dei flussi migratori.
Output 2: Good Practices Identified
The partners, with the support of the members of the working groups, have identified these good practices compilations ofbusiness support services addressed...
Final Report on migrant women needs to be entrepreneur
This report identifies and analyses the needs of migrant women towards entrepreneurship. The study have been developed in all regions involved in the project...
Output 1: Identification and analysis of the needs of migrant women towards entrepreneurship.
Six reports per country region involved in ATHENA have been carried out in which the needs of migrant women towards entrepreneurship has been identified and...
La Fundación Anna Lindh del Instituto Europeo del Mediterráneo se hace eco de los avances del proyecto Athena
Fuente: Instituto Europeo del Mediterráneo – Fundación Anna Lindh "ATHENA es un proyecto del Fondo de Asilo, Migración e Integración (AMIF) que busca...
Progetto Athena, presto disponibile la ricerca sull’imprenditoria delle donne straniere nel Sud Italia
Sarà presto disponibile il rapporto di ricerca sul fenomeno dell’imprenditoria delle donne straniere nelle regioni …
The recent withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan after twenty years of occupation created a power vacuum and resurgence of domestic forces that has...
Progetto Athena per l’imprenditoria delle donne migranti, domani l’evento di lancio
Il Progetto Athena – Approaches To valorise the High EntrepreneuriAL potential of migrant women to contribute to their social and economic...
The difficult path for migrant women entrepreneurship
Academics and policy makers consider employment to be one of the main tools to support migrants’ integration and women’s empowerment.
Incentivar el emprendimiento de mujeres migrantes
La Cámara de Comercio de Sevilla lanza una iniciativa social para incentivar el emprendimiento como vehículo hacia la integración social y económica de las...
Athena Project
SUPPORT FOR IMMIGRANT WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS ATHENA (Approaches To valorise the High ENtrepreneuriAl potential of migrant women to contribute...